Te Whatu Ora Health NZ - MidCentral Telehealth

Some clinics at MidCentral are now able to offer a telephone or video option for selected appointments.

You will be notified at the time of your booking as to whether your appointment is able to be completed by telephone or video.

For more information about Telehealth, please visit the Health Navigator Telehealth or the New Zealand Telehealth Resource Centre sites.

Telehealth Menu

Telehealth FAQs

Some answers to common questions you may have about your telephone or video appointment.

Appointment Types

Some clinics at MidCentral are now able to offer a telephone or video option for selected appointments.

Telehealth Videos

Video tutorials and guides to help you get setup for your Telehealth appointment.


There are some common technical issues that may be experienced during a video call. Here are some tips to help.

For more information about Telehealth, please visit the Health Navigator Telehealth or the New Zealand Telehealth Resource Centre sites.

"Telehealth is health care delivered using digital technology where participants may be separated by time and/or distance."

– NZ Telehealth Forum



Thanks to Te Whatu Ora - Waitemata Telehealth for the use of their videos and general Telehealth content.